



Casco Viejo Neighborhood


Casco Viejo is the old part of Panama City with very narrow brick streets, museums, plazas, old churches, old ruins, government offices, hip cafes, and hallowed out abandoned buildings. Contrasts mark this part of town. Some apartments are painted very nicely with vibrant green plants and flowers adorning the porches whereas for others the paint has peeled off and the residents watch an old TV on a pile of rubble. Police with submachine guns patrol nearly four corners of every block. Police with even bigger guns guard the presidential palace (we quickly found out these were no-nonsense fellas).

Why the heavy police force? 1) Tourists. 2) So nobody complains about the poor residents being pushed out of the neighborhood. 3) So nobody complains about rich people moving in. 4) To impress UNESCO, who declared Casco Viejo a "world heritage site" in 1997, and maybe get more money for more police.


I hope they don't paint this door. I kind of like it the way it is.

Rich people populating Casco Viejo is nothing too new. After the swashbuckling Henry Morgan destroyed the original Panama City or "Panama Antiguo" in 1671, the Spanish rebuilt the city in what is now Casco Viejo on a small peninsula that they could defend more easily. They built walls around the Casco Viejo and a moat divided the city from the mainland. Back in the day, the white elite (along with a few of their slaves) lived inside of the walls (known as San Felipe), while the "gente de color" lived outside the city walls (known as the Arrabal or "the slums"). One has to wonder: were the walls and moats meant to protect the rich from the pirates or the poor?


A nice view of the Bella Vista and Punta Paitilla districts of Panama City (east across the bay from Casco Viejo).


Walking in Panama City


English Summary: Even though it's the rainy season, it is still sunny everyday. Perhaps Naoko inherited her Mommy's luck for sunny weather not matter where she goes.

We also have lovely parakeets that fly to trees of El Cangrejo every evening around 6 pm. It is said that parakeets never fly alone because they are lovers they fly in pairs. These birds are so loud that their screeching blocks out the sound of the traffic below.


When walking through Panama City you need to pay attention where you are going. Large open manholes abound. Jeff also has a history of falling in large holes in the ground, so it is not the best omen.



We found Vegetables in Panama


Looks like a regular boring salad, but after a couple days of eating only starch and meat any type of veggies hit the spot!


Panamanian Beer






Italian Food in Panama??



Panamanian Food





Via Argentina

Via Argentina. This is the street we live on. It is also thought to be very European because it has trees lining the road (unlike the rest of the streets in El Cangrejo). In addition there's a cafe named "Ludwig van" as well as stenciled grafiti of punk rockers from back in the day.

Monuments populate Via Argentina including generals, boxers, scientists, etc. At the end of Via Argentina (where it meets Via Espana) there's a bust of an Argentinean, General Belgrano, some jerk from the wars of independence during the 1820s and a gift from the Argentinean embassy. More interestingly, is the monument to Albert Einstein (called "Einstein's head"). A little reminder that El Cangrejo was once a large Jewish neighborhood in Panama City.


El Cangrejo Neighborhood

今滞在している、El Cangrejo (エル・カングレホ)地区のアパートに契約できそうです。書類のやりとりが始まって、ひと安心。時間にルーズとか聞いていたけど、エージェントは本当に仕 事が速くて、親切で助かっています。この写真はアパートの屋上からの眺め。部屋にバルコニーがついていないけど、屋上にはバーベキューエリアがあって、セ ルフバーカウンターがあって、とても広いです。何より、この地域にはお店やレストランがたくさんあって、治安が良いのが嬉しいです。アメリカ人や駐在員ば かりが住んでいる新興住宅地よりも、古くからある住宅地でパナマ人も住んでいるような地域に住みたかったという点でも合格です。

到着してからEl Cangrejo (エル・カングレホ)地区ばかりうろうろしてます。今日は携帯電話の契約です。早くこの地域に慣れて、ほかの場所も探索してみたい

This is one of the views from the top of our new apartment building in the El Cangrejo neighboorhood. It's beautiful on the roof: a wonderful 360 view of the city and you can see almost everything (including the Pacific). El Cangrejo is a very central location and safe (even at night). Plus, it is only a five minute walk to the National Library and the University of Panama from our apartment. Perfect!


Arrived in Panama City!!


We have arrived in Panama City and everything is as smooth as could be. We've met very interesting and friendly people in the first day alone.

1週間滞在するBed & Breakfast(日本でいう、朝食付きの民宿でしょうか)、Casa Las Americas のお部屋はこんな感じでした。パナマに滞在する予定で、大金を払いたくない人にはお勧めです!ホステルよりは高いけど、ホテルの半分くらいの値段です。お風呂とトイレを共同にすれば、更に安いです。治安が良いし、オーナーの1人がアメリカ人なので英語が通じます。

Casa Las Americas

* パナマの安宿は、エアコンがなかったり、お湯がでなかったりするところが多いので、注意が必要です。

We're are staying in the El Cangrejo neighborhood at a bed and breakfast. The bed in nice and the breakfast is big... too big.

Best yet there is a little microbrew right next door. Yeay!



Good Bye Oregon!


Before leaving Oregon we had a wonderful party with family and friends. Ceviche, arroz con pollo, platanos, deep-fried chicken from Thriftway, and more! Thanks to all for coming!

And Carol was there so of course it was lots of fun!



Four Reasons to Love Canby, Oregon


There are so many reasons to miss Oregon. Number one: little second cousins. Isis, seen here in the picture, is always lots of fun. At the age of 3, she is already a drama queen actress with lots of good energy. We will really miss being there to see them grow and mature over the next year. Roman, for example, is already walking and starting to utter his first words (last time we saw him he was still mastering the crawl) and by the time we get back to Oregon he will most likely be a little chatter box. Likewise, Isabella (only four months now) will probably be working on the two-legged waddle when she's not crawling.


Reason 2: Pumpkin patches and corn mazes in October! Here we are at a local pumpkin patch with Nick (goofy one in the middle), Anil (the other goofy one), and Emily (also goofy, but less so in pictures). A beautiful autumn evening!

Reason 3: Magnum bottles of homemade wine and friends to share it with!


Last, but certainly not least, reason 4: Mommy and Daddy! Oregon wouldn't be so lovely without them!