We here at the Potsusaker Post would like keep our readers from being mislead. The previous post could lead some readers to assume that Isla Grande is place of picturesque beauty or "pristine tropical paradise" unaffected by human activity. The Post strives to be completely forthcoming: the garbage is also picturesque.
Yes, garbage litters almost the entire island's shoreline. Plastic bags partially buried in the sand, styrofoam floating in the surf, a ring of plastic bottles and beer cans circling the island, as well as some broken glass. But hey, the water's still clear and beautiful. A great swim!
Just watch out for the abandoned coolers from last year's weekend getaways.

All the trash was sorta strange because we saw five young boys driving a boat around picking up garbage bags from restaurants and residents. You have to wonder where it all comes from? The residents? The tourists? Colon? Mexico City? Houston? Miami?
ooh, beautiful garbage! just caught up on recent events in potsusakerlandia, looks like you guys are having a great time!
Hi Cheasty!
I hope you are doing fine with all the election hecticks. Yes, isn't that beautiful thing that people litter everywhere (which makes me sick). They need an "don't mess with TX" type of campaign NOW.
Hey there, I found you through the amazing cheastypants, who I have grown very fond of over the past few months. Anyway, I just wanted to mention that I was born and rasied in Panama, and just so you know, Isla Grande wasn't always so trashy. Also, I'm enjoying looking at all the pictures, they are bringing back such wonderful memories. I will have to go back and read more of your older posts. I'm happy to see that you're enjoying the patacones. People never believe me at first when I tell them they're better than french fries.
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