
Christmas Parade

例によってDaya がクリスマスパレードを見に行きたいっていうんで、てくてく歩いて見学に行ってきました。もちろん交通規制が入って、大通りは歩行者天国に。わあ、ディズニーランドみたいだ!なんて思ったのもつかの間・・・・。つい先月見たのと同じ人たちが、違う衣装(サンタの帽子つき)で、同じ音楽を演奏していたり。

Our friend Daya recently took us to a Christmas parade on Calle 50. When it 82 degrees and sunny, it just doesn't feel like Christmas no matter how many cheesey plastic snowmen, red ribbons, and Santa Clause you plaster all over the place, especially without family. It still feels like August me (but with Christmas tree decorations)!

The large floats made this parade markedly different from the others we have attended. Of course they had the marching band playing tunes like "Deck the Halls," "Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer," and of course "Guantanamera." You couldn't help but feel thirsty during the parade sponsored by Coca-Cola. Actually, it was quite an elaborate advertisement. Put the Coke back in Christmas!


Most of the floats were just plain creepy. Why is baby Jesus always so freaking scary?



Translation: as fun as they are, we've been paraded out. No more for a month o two or so. Carnival comes around in February.

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