Christmas Dinner in Ten Bistro
Before Holidays
The Stache
Christmas Parade
例によってDaya がクリスマスパレードを見に行きたいっていうんで、てくてく歩いて見学に行ってきました。もちろん交通規制が入って、大通りは歩行者天国に。わあ、ディズニーランドみたいだ!なんて思ったのもつかの間・・・・。つい先月見たのと同じ人たちが、違う衣装(サンタの帽子つき)で、同じ音楽を演奏していたり。
Our friend Daya recently took us to a Christmas parade on Calle 50. When it 82 degrees and sunny, it just doesn't feel like Christmas no matter how many cheesey plastic snowmen, red ribbons, and Santa Clause you plaster all over the place, especially without family. It still feels like August me (but with Christmas tree decorations)!
Our friend Daya recently took us to a Christmas parade on Calle 50. When it 82 degrees and sunny, it just doesn't feel like Christmas no matter how many cheesey plastic snowmen, red ribbons, and Santa Clause you plaster all over the place, especially without family. It still feels like August me (but with Christmas tree decorations)!
The large floats made this parade markedly different from the others we have attended. Of course they had the marching band playing tunes like "Deck the Halls," "Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer," and of course "Guantanamera." You couldn't help but feel thirsty during the parade sponsored by Coca-Cola. Actually, it was quite an elaborate advertisement. Put the Coke back in Christmas!
Most of the floats were just plain creepy. Why is baby Jesus always so freaking scary?
Most of the floats were just plain creepy. Why is baby Jesus always so freaking scary?
Translation: as fun as they are, we've been paraded out. No more for a month o two or so. Carnival comes around in February.
Translation: as fun as they are, we've been paraded out. No more for a month o two or so. Carnival comes around in February.
4000 Words
Parque Omar again
土曜日はまた、ジェフさんにくっついて、オマール公園に。今日はDaya もくっついてきたので、お仕事してるジェフさんをおいて、公園内をぐるぐる歩いてみました。こーんな大きな木がそこらじゅうにはえてました。なんか、この木一本だけで森みたいになってる。癒される~。
Leaf-Cutter Ants and Magnetic Force Fields
I am pretty intrigued by these little guys. Everybody knows that ants can carry 10-20 times their body weight. The mention of such facts only causes shoulders to shrug.
But to see these ants awkwardly carry large pieces of foliage is quite the sight. As you walk down the street and glance down you may see pieces of grass moving right along with you (especially if you walk really slow). They eventually take the grass back to their mounds.
Rumor has it that these ants harvest the leaves in which they grow fungus in their nests so they can eat. In return they protect the fungus from molds and other pests. Scientists call this a "mutualistic" or "symbiotic relationship" (I know big words!). They also have some kind of magnetic compass which allows them find their way around . Rumor also has it that tax payers funded some graduate student to prove this. Neat!
Naoko's Fieldtrip to Parque Omar, National Library (or "Take Your Wife to Work Day")
This is where Jeff has been going everyday: the Ernesto S. Castillero National Library.
Jeff reads and takes pictures of old newspapers which can be very fragile. Price of latex gloves: 15 cents. Memories: priceless.
This library is located in the park which is very close to central city. The park used to be a golf course for the wealthy. Now its a beautiful park but it still has a kinda golf course feeling. Thanks Omar Torrijos!
Jeff reads and takes pictures of old newspapers which can be very fragile. Price of latex gloves: 15 cents. Memories: priceless.
This library is located in the park which is very close to central city. The park used to be a golf course for the wealthy. Now its a beautiful park but it still has a kinda golf course feeling. Thanks Omar Torrijos!
Weather Report, December
朝起きて、窓を全開にします。いぇ~い!今日も晴れてる!アパートから見える風景。左奥に見えるのが、アンコンの丘。丘の上にパナマの旗がはためいてるのが見えるかなー?右奥の、ごちゃごちゃしてるのが、パナマ運河。右手手前の白い建物が、University of Panama の図書館。
My First Mola
Panama で一番有名な民芸品と言えば、これ。Mola (モラ)です。お土産やさんや露天やら、観光地ならそこらじゅうに売ってます。ずーっとずーっと欲しかったモラ、はじめての1枚をようやく買いました!モラは、カリブ海沿い&島に住む、クナ民族のアップリケ(キルト)です。色使いとデザインが独特です。本来の用途は、このアップリケをお腹と背中に縫い付けて、ブラウスとしてクナの女性達が着るためのものです。街でよく見かけるクナ族も、皆モラブラウスを着ています。
記念すべき1枚目のモラ、観光客向けのデザイン(ヤシの木とかハイビスカスとかをモチーフにしたやつ)はまず却下。なるべく伝統的な絵柄を1つ目に買いたかったのです。伝統的なものは、モチーフよりも、幾何学模様が多いらしいです。この幾何学模様、ミシシッピデルタの黒人女性たちによって縫われていた Gee's Bend に匹敵するくらい、数学的に分析しても美しい模様です。
My Purse in Panama
これ、あたしのバック in Panama。パナマのインディヘナ(原住民)が作った、100%自然素材のバック。テキーラの原料になる植物の繊維で手編みされているもの。こう見えて、とても丈夫。パナマ7つ道具を入れて、お出かけします。
- 折りたたみ傘・・・いつ雨が降るか予測できない
- サングラス・・・晴れるととっても眩しい
- メモ帳 with ペン・・・言葉が通じないため
- 扇子・・・冷房ないところはとっても暑い
- 水筒・・・脱水症状がでないように
- ティッシュ・・・おトイレに無いこともあるので
- ビニール袋・・・その辺に座ったり、ゴミ袋にしたり
The Humble Conquerer
War is hell.
Just ask the Amazing Ch*****pants. Over the past couple of days we have been engaged in a brutal war over hurtful words, honor, and pride. But today hostilities have finally come to an end with me as the reigning victor. My adversary, first mocked me online and then declared war (even after the Potsusaker Post editorial board sent a final "cease and desist" notice). All diplomatic channels failed and hostilities broke out with casualties on both sides. Finally, the Amazing Ch*****pants found that internet war with yours truly was wholly unbearable.
How did I do this you ask? Heave Hove knows the answer. And it has to with receiving daily email updates from the lovely soft-spoken delights of Ann Coulter. But the Amazing Ch*****pants suffered much worse than the innocent Heave Hove, who is often a victim to some of my more mischievous pranks through no fault of his own. Let's just say I took the carpet bombing approach toward the new aggressor. Unable to bear the torture, my adversary waved the white flag of surrender in the typical Democratic Party fashion. In return, I transmitted the classified top-secret information necessary to stop Rush Limbaugh's incessant emails (as well as treats from Bill Kristol, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Norris, Bill Bennet, Joseph Lieberman, and more).
During the subsequent peace negotiations, my only request was for photographic evidence of the Amazing Ch*****pants waving the white flag of surrender. The Amazing Ch*****pants has since refused to comply with my only demand. But I am a just and humble conquerer, so I'll congenially sallyforth and let my former enemy live in peace.
Instead, I leave my loyal readers a picture of the gallant warrior returning victorious from the battlefield. Helmet intact, sword ever-so sharp, and shield polished and undented. (Photograph courtesy of Naoko).
Dear Amazing Ch*****pants,
I would really like that picture.
Yours in peace,
The Humble Conquerer
Multi Plaza Pacific
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