Boquete から車で30分くらい南東へ。すごく小さな町、カルデラのさらにはずれにあるこのホテル。実はOpen 前からチェックしてたのです。このロケーションがすごい。カルデラの中腹に部屋があるので、バルコニーからの眺め、最高です。ずーっと行きたかった場所に来ることができて、幸せでした。
After the coffee tour we traveled down the road to place called "Caldera" and stayed in a beautiful new home on the side of the mountain that overlooked the valley.
The clouds would roll into the valley over the mountain tops and then a few minutes later roll out again. At dusk we would sit on the porch with a glass of red wine and watch the fireflies. The nearby stream added to the peacefulness, but only to be interrupted by howler monkeys in the distance.
Next to the house was a restaurant which we ate at and we were the only guests. They had amazing home made juices/smoothies, such as a basil cilantro mojito (without alcohol) and a hibiscus with beets, ginger, and spearmint... hmm... yummy.

Shigeyo practicing her leg modeling in the meadow on the valley floor.