
Silver Falls State Park, Silverton, Oregon


I grew up in Canby, but I never bothered to visit Silver Falls, a wonderful set of waterfalls just down the road. I couldn't believe that I had never been. Perhaps waiting pays off. I had a difficult time capturing all the wonders on camera.


Our friend Jared served as the tour guide and helped with survival preparations necessary for an excorciating three-hour hike. Actually, the hike was nice and easy (even Naoko made it out unscathed).


Lots of water falling, but not a drop of rain.


Another lovely day in Oregon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

シルバーフォールズ州立公園!!?? すっごい素敵ですね!!!んんだかTXでは見ることのできない自然っていう感じ。阿津坂さんのブログ見てると、いつかオレゴンに行きたくなっちゃいます:)