
Chiriqui Trip






今回の滞在地は、コスタリカとの国境にある、Chiriqui (チリキ)地方。パナマシティから車で約9時間の長旅でした。チリキ県の中でも今回泊まった場所はパナマで一番高い山がある高山地帯で、パナマのスイスと呼ばれてます。よって、シティで食べられる野菜や苺は全てこの地域で栽培されています。久しぶりの涼しい気候に心から感動でした。5ヶ月ぶりに袖を通す長袖!





Weather Report: March

We are enjoying Panama's beautiful dry season. Blue sky, not a drop of rain.


During the day, the temparature is over 90 degree. Too hot to walk, but it's perfect to swim. You've gotta love to be in the sun on a March day like this.


Yeah, beer. Of course.



A view of the city from a balcony in the Obarrio neighborhood.

My Birthday!


My birthday wish this year was eating good food. Waffle with berries for breakfast.


Crapes with shrimp for lunch. Oh, this garlic sauce was soooo good.


Fusion for dinner. Yes, I was full in the end. 


San Blas: Tourists

One of the most exotic things about San Blas are the tourists. First, you're suppose to ask before taking their picture (so they don't like to feel like oddities) and then maybe pay them a dollar depending on how generous you feel. I broke the rule several times and got a few shots of them in their not-so-native environment.

The old couple carrying their shoes around the island. This may seem like a strange ritual, but there is a deep cultural tradition of carrying shoes, which signifies their high social standing.

The lovers. This is a social coming-of-age mating ritual, where the female and the male make public displays of affection. The male often attempts to display his sexual desirability by picking up his potential mate as distracting waves splash on his ankles. If he is able to carry out the task, it will bode well for the chances of a successful union. The female, in the meantime, must smile and pretend she is comfortable with the whole ordeal of her awkwardly-scrawny-potential-of-a-mate pretends she's not so heavy and he can carry out romantic conversation with out grunting or dropping her in the water.

Last (but certainly not least...) the show-off. This one displays his mighty warrior like prowess with a traditional handstand. Not a headstand, but a handstand, which requires more balance and strength.

Notice all of these cultural practices occur in the same spot of the island. The beach is a very religious sanctuary for the tourists. They believe when the spirits of the white sands meet with the gods of the sea, a magical phenomena happens and fulfills their deep longings that they are unable to realize elsewhere. The wanna-be warrior becomes a warrior. Depressed young ones find love. And old people find their long lost shoes... well... okay I'm not sure about the old people. And then there is me. I go to the white sandy beach (with snorkel gear in hand) to fulfill my long hidden desire of being an old-school anthropologist. Only rum! Damn, where's all the medicinal herbs I was promised in graduate school!!


San Blas: Coconut Farms


Half of Isla Robinson consists of a large field of palm trees, where they harvest large quantities of coconuts. In general, the Kuna grow lots of coconuts to sell (mostly to Colombia). In fact, the palm trees are not native to the islands, but rather a couple hundred years ago the Kuna cut down mangroves so they could plant palm trees and sell to passing ships.


This is a baby palm tree. The seashells indicate that you shouldn't mess with it.


A days work of harvesting coconuts.


This is Mr. G-nzalez breaking open the outer shell to get to the coconut. One night Mr. G-nzalez came over to our table with cold beer as gifts for the holiday. We began chatting and listening to some festive "musica tipica" from Colombia that was playing from his stereo in the kiosk next door. (The stereo as well as the refridgerator of cold beer is powered by solar panels on the island). He said that he was born on this Isla Robinson and he has grown coconuts his entire life but recently there were more and more tourists. "Too many tourists," he added. Initially, this made us a little uncomfortable. So we asked if he liked tourists and he replied honestly, "no."

And we soon saw why. After Mr. G-nzalez left back for the kiosk, a very annoyed French guy came up to us and asked if that was our music playing so loud. He complained that he came to island to relax and listen to the waves. The music robbed him of his "tropical paradise." We directed him toward the kiosk where he complained at Mr. G-nzalez about the music and then left back to his cabana. But the music continued playing... all night long. Tourists weren't about to ruin his celebration. We smiled.
